Every great thing begins with an idea, an idea that can change the world to better. In the beginning, Light Academy was an experiment that worked out well and gave the web and mobile development world dozens of promising and talented specialists.

Creating Instead of Seeking

It was a good spring day in 2015 and the most experienced members of our team decided that it is better in many ways to create good specialists instead of looking for them for months. As time went by, we knew that it was the right choice, because of all the students, attention and interest from hundreds of people, and because of how much we enjoyed teaching others and giving them new opportunities in life.

Light Academy logo and mojo

Before the courses became Light Academy, they were just separate courses and the very first one was Python. The reason for this choice was lack of good and skilled specialists in this programming language with great potential.

The first Python course was the subject of interest of many people, but out of more than three hundred applications, we could accept only twelve students. Our first class was more than successful to us and eleven graduates got accepted to the Light IT team. 

Five of our Light IT team players who were and still are among the best ones in this field, taught students how to become great Python developers. The second course was also on Python, because of the growing demand and lack of professionals who can write a good code using this programming language. For now, we have successfully conducted few courses on Python and Front-end, and are proud to tell that our first PHP course is already running at the moment.

Quality over Quantity

Today, the necessity and desire to focus on quality instead of quantity made us change and strengthen the admission conditions. These changes are only to give a person an understanding whether they have a sufficient knowledge base or they need to study a little more before they get accepted. These changes are needed to make sure that our students don’t waste time on studying front-end or back-end development to never put this knowledge into well-paid practice. Our main goal is to create specialists that would want to stay with us, but not just to make money out of teaching. That is why each and every of our courses are absolutely free of charge, and we intend to keep it that way. 

Even though Light Academy has a distinguishing feature – giving our knowledge for free, there’s another one, even more valuable – a high-quality program. Many people believe that if something is free, then it must be low-quality. We strongly disagree with this statement and constantly improve the course program to make it even better, because the only quality level we accept is the highest.

For three years in a row, Light Academy opens the doors to people who want to study Python, PHP and Front-end development, and become a part of the IT field. So, if you’re one of them, choose Light Academy and our teachers to get valuable knowledge and skills on lessons that have 80-90% of practice and create the future you want.

Visit our Light Academy section to pick the course you’re most interested in and start your way to becoming a successful back-end or front-end developer!