Even though our main interest is design and development, we are also good at software quality assurance, because these solutions go hand in hand and only their combination can create bugless digital products. We provide quality assurance consulting in addition to actual testing services and our clients are welcome to use them both.
Our services include both web and mobile quality software assurance. Mobile testing services imply checking apps on different types of devices and their models while testing web applications involves using different stations and a number of other aspects. Rely on our testing experience to make your applications flawless.
We believe that any software testing process should include manual testing, because in many cases it is more reliable comparing to automation. This type of testing is most advantageous for applications with constantly changing interface and short life cycles. Our team of professionals will notice even the smallest bug and help to fix it.
Any quality assurance specialist will tell that automated testing is as important as manual checking. We offer different testing types and approaches that imply usage of existing software like Selenium and creation of our own auto-testing systems. You can be fully sure that your QA problem will be handled fast and won't bother you again.
Functional software application testing is the process of checking and evaluating individual functions' performance. The purpose of this testing type is to make sure that all of the app's functions work as they should, and that all specifications are fully met. Use our experience in functional testing to please your targeted users.
Such non-functional sides of an application as usability, performance and more are very important, because they have an impact on clients' satisfaction. Advanced quality assurance tools allow our QA specialists to make sure that the application can handle the expected number of its users and increase its performance in general.
When a digital product is created, it should be tested on every single detail of its performance. The quality assurance process includes different actions and stages, however, they are all aimed at one result - make a tested application and/or software logically correct and bugless. In addition to using such quality assurance program as Selenium, our QA team also provides manual testing to cover all possible bugs and flaws within any application. As soon as our specialist detects a weak spot or a bug, they give a professional advice on how to fix them fast and easy.